We all have a perfect gift to share, Jesus

You have a perfect gift to share, Jesus

Do you know when we come to sharing the faith that we have in Christ require no special performance? Because sharing Christ is not about us it is about Him. It is not about our persuasion, performance or articulation. It is about our obedience and availability. It is a privilege that should not be wasted.

For the first century Christians sharing what they know and have in their lives was came out of such an enormous excitement. It is quite the opposite today of course; sharing the truth to someone is becoming a religious duty or as some one said “a highly-individualistic exercise.” But for the first century christians it is like “we have found the messiah, Jesus, come and see.” They used every single opportunity to share The Life not any agenda. They were ready to leave an amazing impression, a “Jesus impression” or a “Jesus dent” as the author Leonard Sweet mentioned in his very best book ‘Nudge: Awakening Each Other to the God Who’s Already There.’

You see we supposed to share JESUS. We supposed to introduce Him, only Jesus not ourselves. The problem is we do not know what evangelism is yet. But for the early Church Christians, as Michael Green wonderfully described it in his book, ‘Evangelism in the Early Church,’ they were using “informal approach,” and they had “informal chattering to friends and chance acquaintances, in homes and wine shops, on walks, and around market stalls. They went everywhere gossiping the gospel; they did it naturally, enthusiastically, and with the conviction of those who are not paid to say that sort of thing. Consequently, they were taken seriously, and the movement spread, notably among the lower classes.”

If you really think seriously, I mean seriously, evangelism is not about methodology. Evangelism is a way of living. Evangelism in a simple word is “Jesus fleshed out” and there will be no “method” or “strategy” than Living the life.

In most cases, when we think of sharing about Jesus we are making Jesus as the subject of our “detached critical and comparative study.” But evangelism is presenting Christ himself. In fact when we presenting Him we might need to consider certain elements, but our job is definitely to build a bridge between the real problem or the appealing inner spiritual thirst and the only solution that available. We need to find those “point of contacts” as Paul did when he was in Athens and build a bridge from that not to destroy one. Alvin Reid states, “The basic word for evangelism in the New Testament is the term transliterated into the English as ‘evangel’ (noun) or ‘evangelize’ (verb).  The verb form is seen several ways. Term euangelizo means ‘I communicate good news.’” He adds, “to evangelize is to tell a good message.”

Now, as I said previously there is a huge difference between the biblical mandate and method of evangelism with the first century Christians and the dominant view of the modern church. Somewhere, in my opinion, the bridge that connects that era of the early Christian teaching and tradition and today’s church has been destroyed. The modern evangelicalism promotes many different methodologies for accomplishing the biblical mandate for the Great Commission. As the result church attendance and regular gathering is still on but there is no true soul winning, and personal spiritual maturity. The modern evangelism is more of church marketing than evangelism. It is more about “preparing events.”

Evangelism is presenting Christ himself and that is the lifestyle and an outcome of a healthy relationship with Christ. When you test the life that is in Christ, when you start enjoying the peace and freedom in his presence you cannot sit and slump in the pew. You will always be “on the go.” You cannot keep it to yourself. But the question is are you going? Are you telling? Are you inviting?

Let me give you a wonderful example from the people “on the go” read the book of Acts 3: 6. Now here is a man who had a congenital birth defect from birth. His friends or family members, we don’t know, but bring him always sitting at the gate of the temple, which is called Beautiful, in order to beg alms of those who were entering the temple. Peter and John were about to go into the temple. The Jews had three hours set aside every day for prayer: the third hour (9: a.m) the sixth hour (12 noon), and the ninth hour (3: p.m). Now Peter and John went to the temple at the ninth hour. Now, when the crippled man asked alms of them read what Peter said to him, vv 4-7a. Observe how quick he was to use that extra ordinary opportunity and share Jesus. Peter said to him, “I don’t have any money, but I’ll give you what I do have. Through the power of Jesus Christ from Nazareth, walk!”

Remember, every day is an opportunity to share Jesus with someone or somebody. All around us there are cripples not only physically, but also emotionally, spiritually, morally and so on. If you think you have nothing that you can share with them you are wrong. Look for those “points of contact.” You have a perfect gift to share, JESUS. He is the answer to all our problems (crippleness). Be aware of possibilities around you. You don’t have to brag and impose your “Christ” to someone. That is not evangelism that is not witnessing. In your normal conversations, you can pick up on something that will have some spiritual implication. Then tell him/her that like John did, “And (he) saith unto him, we have found the Messiah” (John 1:41, KJV).

Jesus said, “You shall be my witnesses” (Acts 1:8, RSV). To be a witness you must experience some thing.  Don’t make evangelism like a “court room trial”. Your responsibility is to present the person, Jesus. Your responsibility is to make the invisible loving and judging God visible in your life. So, make sure your life and your words say the same thing first. You need to experience him first before you share him with someone else. You need to connect yourself to the source in order to communicate. As you communicate with others, listen and discern. Avoid arguments. As you speaking be able to point out and expose sin without crushing the person’s spirit. Remember this; when God provide you some extraordinary opportunities he also provide you the open doors and hearts, but make sure you are not going to be an obstacle and closed the open opportunities and doors. Your job is presenting and God’s job is persuading. Peter said, I don’t have any money for you. But I’ll give you what I have. I have JESUS! So, in the name of Jesus get up and walk.

Friends, if Jesus is in your life you have everything. There is nothing that you can compare with him. No name but the name of JESUS can do extra-ordinary thing. There is no salvation available only in Jesus. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me (Jesus)” Jn. 14:6. So, if you think you have nothing to share while you have Jesus, you are wrong. If you think you can bring a solution to yourself or someone else with your money, gold, fame, power or anything, you are wrong. Jesus is the only solution. You have the most wonderful and amazing gift that you can share with anyone, and he is Jesus. SHARE J-E-S-U-S! Now here is the most important question, are you willing to share?

Eyob B Kassa

November 5, 2010

Image via Wikipedia

One Response to “We all have a perfect gift to share, Jesus”

  1. moges Says:

    God bless You!

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